Your secrets are safe with us! — Dr. Andrea Hickey Medical Aesthetics

What’s with all the questions, you ask? When you are seeking a cosmetic treatment, it may not be obvious why we would want to know so much personal information. You might think, “I am just here to get lip filler or Botox, so why is this important?” As medical aesthetic treatments become socially accepted and demand grows, it is becoming more commonplace to find them being performed in traditionally non-medical environments like beauty salons, spas, and even pharmacies. With pop-ups in more locations, it is easy to forget that these are medical procedures that do carry some risk. After all, many of these non-surgical treatments still involve injections into your face where the anatomy is complex. Perfecting these skills takes time and despite what you may see in videos, getting it right is harder than it looks! Ideally, they should be performed by trained medical professionals who are knowledgeable about the risks and well equipped to manage any complication that might arise.  

And, in order for the medical provider to assess whether any treatment is right and safe for you, we need to gather your personal health information. It is understandable that some clients are hesitant to reveal such private information, especially if they are unsure about where this personal information is being stored and who has access to it. We want our clients to trust that their privacy is respected. Medical clinic staff and professionals are held to the highest standard of confidentiality in the handling of your personal health information.

So, what kinds of questions do we ask and why do they matter? Here are a few examples. Your surgical history provides us with information about how your body heals and whether you develop abnormal scars. Any prior facial, oral or cosmetic surgery is particularly important as it alerts us to whether you may be at a higher risk for complications from some treatments. Recent infections, upcoming dental work or vaccines may mean you should postpone your filler appointment. An accurate medication list will identify those medications that may increase bruising. Even a social history including your work schedule, upcoming events or travel help us gain a better understanding of your tolerance for downtime and to plan for your treatments. The questions we ask are relevant and we ask them because we care. Failure to disclose honestly to your provider may place you at risk of having a poor treatment outcome. It also puts your provider in a difficult position of making decisions about the safety of your treatment without having a complete picture. We want you to trust that you can confide in us without judgement.

You may also wonder, “why do I have to complete so many forms”? We try to make collecting your information quick and easy for you. Our clinic is now fully automated so that you can complete all the necessary documents in the comfort of your home before you arrive. Your information will be stored electronically according to HIPAA privacy standards.  Your provider will review all the necessary information with you during your initial consultation. After your first visit, you will only be asked to update the information periodically to ensure its’ accuracy and advise us of any changes.  

And what about photos?  We do take clinical photos periodically for the purpose of monitoring and planning your treatment progress. Many of us feel very self-conscious about these photos. Rest assured, these images are also stored securely in your client record and will never be shared without your express written consent.

We love when our clients choose to share their experience and images as this helps others understand what results are possible from aesthetic treatments. Yet, in an age where the focus is on social, it is important you know that the decision to share is entirely yours!