What Major Should I Choose for My Bachelors?

Question from Reader:
“What Major Should I Choose for My Bachelors?”
My answer to this common question is simple. It does not matter what major you choose for Pharmacy School. Pharmacy schools do not really care what major you chose for your bachelors degree. They just want to make sure you fulfilled all the prerequisite courses required to apply. The only time I see this being of any significance is when you have an extremely competitive applicant pool to choose from. In these rare cases, a pharmacy school might pick and choose different majors that diversify the background knowledge of students in the classroom. However, as stated before, this would be rare.
The ideal situation is to get into pharmacy school without a bachelors degree. Why is this? By getting into pharmacy school earlier you saved 1, 2, or even more years of your life. Why waste additional years of your life in school, accruing more debt, and not earning income? That bachelors degree will not do you any good if your ultimate goal is to become a pharmacist. All you need is your doctorate of pharmacy and a pharmacist license to work. The best use for that bachelors degree will be decoration on your wall.
“What if I don’t get in and I no bachelors degree either?” If you fail to get in your first try, pick yourself up and try again! Do not fear failing. My suggestion is to talk to the pharmacy school and ask them what you can improve on for the next round of applications the following year. If you do not get in, just continue pursuing your bachelors degree. You have nothing to lose by applying early without a bachelors degree. If anything, it will give you more experience with interviews.
- Does not matter what major you choose for Pharmacy School
- Apply early as possible, do not wait to complete your bachelors degree
- Also Read: Pre-Pharmacy
I hope the recommendations above will help guide, motivate, and inspire you to achieve your goals. Follow my blog for more tips and advice on finances and being a pharmacist. What are your experiences? Please comment below and share your thoughts.