How Long is the MCAT? (2023-2024)

Tips for maximizing your MCAT test time
Seven and a half hours may seem like an ample amount of time for you to complete the MCAT. But when you’re faced with the actual test, the pressure and stress can mount, affecting the pace at which you work through the questions.
These tips can help you deal with the anxiety so that it doesn’t interfere with your performance or ability to complete each section.
1. Simulate the actual testing environment when practicing.
When you’re preparing for the MCAT, use real testing conditions, including the time allotted for each section. Start the practice test at the time the actual test will start, and take each break. While this is time-consuming, it will help you understand what to expect and learn how to pace yourself properly.
2. Take advantage of breaks.
You may be tempted to try to finish the test as quickly as possible, but the breaks are there for a reason. Yes, they’re optional, but while you’re in the middle of a grueling exam, they will give you a chance to recharge, go for a walk, and eat a snack. This will help prevent you from getting exhausted, which can impact your performance.
3. Arrive at the testing center early.
Aim to get to the testing center at least 30-45 minutes before the test starts. This will give you time to check in, store your belongings in the facility-provided locker, and get yourself ready. Plus, this will ensure that you won’t be late. If you are, you may not be permitted to take the test.
4. Prepare all your materials the night before.
Get everything you need together the night before you take the MCAT so you don’t need to worry about doing so the day of. Lay out your clothes and pack your bag. Make sure you have all the necessities, including:
- Snacks (not permitted in the testing room but accessible during breaks)
- Water (not permitted in the testing room but accessible during breaks)
- A government-issued photo ID
The MCAT is long. It’s a test of endurance as much as a test of your knowledge. But if you go into it well prepared, understanding what you should expect, then there’s no need to be intimidated. You’ve put in the effort — now conquer the test!