March 2023

NPR’s Scott Detrow speaks with Marta Wosińska, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution, about the rise in prescription drug shortages and what can be done to fix it. SCOTT DETROW, HOST: We want to focus now on a topic that got quite a bit of attention on Capitol Hill...

  • March 27, 2023

My dear nephew Simon, Thank you for your kind response to my last letter. From what you tell me, it sounds like you are already beginning to taste some of the saltwater sprays of management-life crashing over the sides of the leader-ship. Don’t worry; you will find your sea legs...

  • March 27, 2023

It is that time of year again: the leaves are changing color, pumpkin-flavored lattes are back in stock and you’re inundated with political ads from all directions. This November you have the opportunity to cast your vote and participate in the hard-fought civic duty we call “the election system.” Whether...

  • March 27, 2023

Thousands of people struggle to access mental health services in Florida. The treatment system is disjointed and complex. Some residents bounce between providers and are prescribed different medications with clinicians unaware of what happened. Jails and prisons have become de facto homes for many who need care. These problems and...

  • March 22, 2023

Pharmacy residencies are optional coming out of pharmacy school. They are programs that expand a pharmacist’s skill set and experience at an accelerated rate. A pharmacy residency is highly recommended if you want to give your resume a slight edge, work in a hospital setting, or specialize in a specific...

  • March 22, 2023

NOVIDS is the term some use to describe those who haven’t gotten COVID. But researchers are not overly fond of the word. They’re looking for the possible genetic underpinnings to a group of people they prefer to call “resisters.”

  • March 17, 2023

Fluticasone is one of the most commonly used inhaled corticosteroids for the management of asthma and other respiratory conditions. I’ve encountered drug interactions frequently with fluticasone because it is metabolized by CYP3A4. I’ve seen this interaction flagged on many drug interaction programs. In this article, I’ll discuss the practical implications...

  • March 17, 2023

Despite the link between oral health and general health being clearly understood and supported by many global bodies, oral diseases are still very common all around the world. To effectively tackle the pain and suffering many people feel because of poor oral health, a more pragmatic approach is needed. A...

  • March 17, 2023

Subscribe to The Podcast by KevinMD. Catch up on old episodes! Join us as we explore the history and evolution of the orphan drug revolution with James Geraghty, a health care executive. Discover how the pharmaceutical industry of the 1970s, driven by a pursuit of predictable profitability, led to the...

  • March 12, 2023