How to Fund Your Cosmetic Surgery Fellowship

Young cosmetic surgery fellow

Cosmetic medicine is rapidly growing—and the demand for highly-trained cosmetic surgeons is also on the rise. For surgeons who have developed a desire to shift their focus to aesthetics and cosmetic medicine, the next logical step is board certification. But before that, most interested surgeons will need to complete cosmetic surgery fellowship training certified by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS). Cosmetic surgery fellowship training is a one-year program dedicated solely to cosmetic surgery and offers surgeons the exclusive opportunity to receive exceptional, hands-on training.

Before you commit to becoming a cosmetic surgery fellow, it is imperative to plan your fellowship properly, as you will not be able to have other full-time employment during the year you are undergoing cosmetic fellowship training. In a recent blog post, the American Board of Facial Cosmetic Surgery (ABFCS) provided guidance for funding an AACS cosmetic surgery fellowship. In the post, the board explains why cosmetic surgery fellowship is so important, the benefits of the fellowship, and outlines five tips for funding your cosmetic surgery fellowship.

Read the full article on the ABFCS website