To Dis-enroll or Not? Searching For Answers with an AI Assist

by Gregg Anthony Masters, MPH Some of you may have heard about the whining by UnitedHealthcare’s leadership on a recent earnings call which included...

Overcoming Pharmacy Recruitment Issues in Rural Areas |Rx relief

Attracting pharmacists to rural or underserved areas is a crucial step in addressing healthcare disparities and ensuring that all communities have access to essential...

Infection prevention and control advice – Part 1

During the month of September we celebrate many special occasions such as the National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15), Suicide Prevention...

Debunking Aesthetic Myths: 5 Perfectly Safe Procedures Overdramatized by Social Media

” data-alt=””>” /> In the age of social media, where trends spread like wildfire, aesthetic procedures have become both a fascination and a source...

Vitreoretinal Fellowship Match Survey – JAMA Ophthalmology

The fellowship match process is somewhat of a mystery, and just a few years ago, I found myself in the middle of this mystery....

The Best Diet For Hashimoto’s

What is the right diet to heal Hashimoto’s? I hear this question a lot. Unfortunately, the answer isn’t always straightforward, as nutrition is the...

Bad Breath: What causes it and how do you cure it?

Bad Breath: What causes it and how do you cure it? – Ask the Dentist Every product I recommend meets my rigorous safety and...

Return to Non Surgical Cosmetic Injecting: Announcement from Aesthetic Society of Plastic Surgeons | Cosmetic Journey

As of today, ASAPS does not have explicit and legally binding instructions from the regulatory authorities, to endorse return to non-surgical cosmetic injecting.ASAPS cannot,...

AMCAS Work & Activities: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

For each experience entry in the AMCAS work and activities section, you will need to complete the following fields, listed below. As with everything...

Norfolk dental practice raises £1,000 for Mouth Cancer Action charity campaign

1. Introduction 1.1 These terms and conditions shall govern your use of our website. 1.2 By using our website, you accept these terms and...